

Lenk H., The Investment Court System: A viable reform initiative?, Juridiska Institutionens Skriftserie 32 (Gothenburg, 2019).

Articles and Chapters


Lenk, H., ‘Developments in International Investment Law and Policy in the European Union’ in Sachs L. E., Johnson L. J., Coleman, J. (eds) Yearbook on International Investment Law & Policy 2019 (Oxford University Press, 2021).

Lenk H., ‘Constitutional constraints on intra-EU BITs in the Union legal order’ in Schill S. W., Tams C. J., Hofmann R. (eds.), International investment law and constitutional law (forthcoming).


Lenk, H., ‘Investor-state dispute settlement: Constitutional challenges and pitfalls’ in Andenas M., et al. (eds) EU External Action in International Economic Law (T.M.C. Asser Press, 2020), 121-151.

Lenk, H., ’The EU Investment Court System and its resemblance to the WTO Appellate Body’ in Gáspár-Szilágyi S., Behn D., Langford M. (eds.), Adjudicating Trade and Investment Disputes: Convergence or Divergence? (Cambridge University Press, 2020), 62-91.


Lenk H., ‘Bilateral committees in EU trade and investment agreements: platforms for the reassertion of State control over investor-State adjudication?’ in Baetens F. (ed.), Legitimacy of unseen actors in international adjudication (Cambridge University Press, 2019), 591-610.


Lenk H., ‘Prior judicial involvement in investor-state dispute settlement: Lessons from the Court’s rhetoric in Opinion 2/15’, 13 Global Trade and Customs Journal 1, 2018, 19–26.

Lenk H., ‘Something borrowed, something new: The TTIP Investment Court – How to fit old procedures into new institutional design’ in Fahey E (eds), Institutionalisation beyond the Nation State (Springer: 2018), 129-47.


Lenk H., ‘Investment arbitration under EU investment agreements: Is there a role for an autonomous EU legal order?’, 28 European Business Law Review 2, 2017, 135-62.

Lenk H., ‘Mixity in EU foreign trade policy is here to stay: Advocate General Sharpston on the allocation of competence for the conclusion of the EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement’,2 European Papers 1, 2017, 357-82.


Lenk H., ‘An investment court system for the new generation of EU trade and investment agreements: A discussion of the Free Trade Agreement with Vietnam and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement with Canada’, 1 European Papers 2, 2016, 665-77.

Lenk H., ‘Issues of attribution: responsibility of the EU in investment disputes under CETA’, Transnational Dispute Management 1, 2016.

Lenk H., ‘Challenging the notion of coherence in EU foreign investment policy’, 8 European Journal of Legal Studies 2, 2015, 6-20.

Commissioned Research Reports


Dahlquist J., Lenk H., Rönnelid L., The infringement proceedings over intra-EU investment treaties – an analysis of the case against Sweden, (SIEPS 2016:4epa, 2016).


Lenk H., Investor-state arbitration under TTIP: Resolving investment disputes in an (autonomous) EU legal order, (SIEPS Report (2015:3), 2015).

Amtenbrink F., Blokker N., van den Bogaert S. (et al.), The European Union’s role in the G20, Study for the European Parliament, Directorate General for Internal Policies, Policy Department: Economic and Scientific Policy, (IP/A/ECON/2014-15, 2015).



Lenk H., ‘CJEU jurisdiction over the Energy Charter Treaty and its compatibility with the Treaties: Opinion of AG Szpunar in Case C-741/19’, EU Law Analysis, 4 March 2021,


Lenk H., ‘More Trade and less investment for future EU trade and investment policy: CJEU, Opinion 2/15, Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and Singapore, 16 May 2017, EU:C:2017:376’, 19 Journal of World Investment and Trade 2, 2018, 305-19.


Lenk H. and Gáspár-Szilágyi, S., ‘Case C-600/14, Germany v Council (OTIF). More clarity over facultative ‘mixity’?’, European Law Blog, 11 December 2017,


Lenk H., ‘Preliminary references and investment tribunals: is the Luxembourg Court extending a helping hand?’, EU Law Analysis, 29 March 2016,


Lenk H., “A Transatlantic Community of Law. Legal Perspectives on the Relationship Between the EU and US Legal Order, edited by Elaine Fahey and Deirdre Curtin. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014)”, 52 Common Market Law Review 3, pp. 852–54.